Another basketball court signed by Goran Dragić #PODAMDAIGRAM has grown in Ptuj. In addition, there is a smaller sports court and also a cycling polygon.
The new Storžič sports hall and the upgrade of Matija Valjavec Primary School Preddvor.The entire investment was worth almost ten million euros. It has been one of our best projects in 2024.
We equipped the new gymnasium in Ajdovščina with top-quality certified competition sports equipment for gymnastics. At the same time, the facility also got a new climbing wall.
The new sports hall at the primary school has complete new sports equipment, sports floor, basketball constructions, dividing curtains, wallbars, soft wall protection, scoreboards and other sports ...
We participated at the construction of a new sports hall. The hall has got a dividing curtain, modern basketball constructions, massive sports parquet and all other sports equipment. Exceptional ...
We installed a Stramatel LED 300 x 200 cm (6m2) scoreboard, consisting of 12 modules, two analog traffic lights for swimming and a special Malmsten lift for disabled people.
In the legendary Tivoli hockey hall, we made sure that users have the most up-to-date hockey fence in the world. The flexible fencing system provides cushioning in the event of impacts, as it absorbs ...
We equipped a large sports hall with telescopic stands, a dividing curtain, wall bars, protection nets, scoreboards, and sports equipment. In addition to the large hall, there is also a new martial ...
We upgraded the equipment of the hall with acoustic coverings, soft protection of the walls, wall bars with mats, we replaced the mini baskets on the auxiliary courts and added new volleyball poles. ...
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#PODAMDAIGRAM is the first smart basketball court in Slovenia, it is Gogi's tribute to young people and sports. The biggest special feature of the court are the information boards ...